
If you don’t see your issue here, please contact us!

On this page
  1. You can’t log onto APLS
    1. “Too many redirects”
    2. Username/password incorrect
  2. You get unexpected search results
  3. APLS is slow

You can’t log onto APLS

“Too many redirects”

Symptoms Explanation Solution
You get an error message like “ redirected you too many times” or “Could not open the page, too many redirects” This indicates an issue with the server that APLS runs on.
(Contrary to the error message, clearing your cookies will generally not fix the issue.)
Email us

A Google Chrome browser window that shows in the URL bar, with the page showing the text "This page isn’t working. redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

Username/password incorrect

APLS passwords are case-sensitive (usernames are not), so double-check capitalization. If that doesn’t work, fill out this password reset form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

You get unexpected search results

APLS is slow

APLS is usually pretty fast! To benchmark APLS’s speed, we ran the same search query multiple times at different times of day: searching participant CB01 for i on the segment layer (i.e., all time-aligned tokens of the /i/ vowel), with none of the check-box options selected, showing 1 word before/after each match.

APLS might be running slowly for you if:

  1. you’ve requested a computationally expensive operation, such as:
    • a particularly complicated search query (more than 5 layers and/or across several words)
    • exporting a lot of audio data
    • selecting a lot of layers to display on a transcript, especially if it’s a longer sound file
  2. there are lots of users accessing APLS at the same time you are (more than 25)
  3. we happen to be adding a feature or doing maintenance while you’re using APLS
  4. there’s some other unexpected slowdown

You can always run the benchmark search mentioned above to see if APLS is running slower than usual (cases #2–4). If so, we’d recommend waiting a little bit and trying again. If APLS is still slower than expected for even the benchmark search, please email us.